Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teaching Music History.

I adore teaching music history and helping my students to appreciate "on whose shoulders we stand" today. Music Analysis tasks can be contextualised to particular times and places in world history and when students understand the inexorable link between people and art in the past, I find it helps to present a lens through which they can view the relationship between people and art in their own contemporary culture.

My most comprehensive Resource Package yet is my "Music through the Ages - Part 1".
The file you purchase includes:

- a 35 page study guide with information and activities covering Ancient Music through to the Baroque era.

- 4 powerpoint presentations with over 150 slides in total covering Ancient Music, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque.

- 10 Musical scores just perfect for student analysis and/or guided listening, featuring Ancient transcriptions, Gregorian Chant, Hildegard from Bingen, Morley, Palestrina, Monteverdi, Bach, Vivaldi, Scarlati and more.