Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Memorable Musical Moment!

On Facebook recently, there has been a challenge circulating called the  "Artistic Memorable Moments Challenge". The challenge was/is to post a picture a day of your art for five days and nominate two friends to join the challenge. Many musician friends have been writing about their fondest and most impressionable musical memories from their childhood. I though I'd share one of my special memories with you here.

Project Group ’85 & The Wizard of Oz.

My first ‘lead role’ in a school production was as a ‘Princess’ in a year 2 class play with Sharon Ransom. (Well actually, my real first lead role was as the “Star” in a pre-school Nativity Play in Bundaberg, but I got conjunctivitis and wasn’t able to perform!)

I remember auditioning for the role in class one day and we presented it to our parents just before pick-up. Sharon, who was an infinitely more talented actress than me was the “wicked witch” who I think had to put a spell on me. Five years later and as year 7 students at the same school (Heatley Primary), Sharon and I were re-united on stage again.

Amazingly, and seemingly audaciously, a teacher at our school – Ian Griffiths, secured permission to trial a special Performing Arts Immersion Program known as the “Project group 85”, (or PG 85). The concept behind the class (as I recall it) was to bring like-minded artistic children from years 5-7 together and to encompass the key learning areas of the curriculum through the performing arts culminating in an epic “Rich task” which was a completely student directed and produced musical to be publicly staged in the city’s Civic Theatre.

I was lucky enough to score the lead role of Dorothy - a role and character which in many ways shaped me as a young girl. I developed a complete adoration of Judy Garland and of course a special relationship with the music of Harold Arlen and in particular “Over the rainbow”. Sharon performed the most amazing version of Glinda (particularly for a 12 year old!)

A few years ago, when Carson and I were watching Wicked in New York City, I spent most of the night fighting back tears. Not just because it is an incredible, powerful musical performance, nor because the story and songs are so moving but really because I felt I was watching the back story to a majorly important part of my own life and the person I kept thinking about the whole night was “MY” Glinda, Sharon and the incredible journey we shared in 1985 on our own Yellow brick Road! Wish I had a photo – but so fortunate to have the memories!